How To Make Authentic Looking Tickets For Your Journal.

Junk Journaling Dangles 101

This is a newbie's (me) guide to making beautiful jewelry for your junk journal with limited skills and limited supplies. I committed a full week to figuring out how to make dangles and charms with only what I had on hand. Other than the usual junk journaling supplies, I had some old jewelry that I took apart, and I had a supply of jump rings. They are a jewelry "finding" which is what they call the metal pieces that hold everything together. I'll tell you how I used them as we go. This junk journal necklace was made from a key tag. (see...
All About Junk Journaling Tabs
ephemera homemade junk journaling scrapbooking tabs

I did a deep dive with tabs recently and experimented with making and using all kinds of tabs in my junk journals. In my mind, I separate them into functional and decorative tabs. Functional Tabs These tabs in my ephemera storage journal are functional because they let me know where my various colors of ephemera are. The vellum tab on the side of the page can be either functional or decorative, depending on what label you slide into it. And the pink tab on the side of the belly band is functional because it lets you know there's a journaling...
Junk Journaling Ephemera - Make a Strip Collage
collage ephemera junk journaling scrapbooking

I have discovered a super fun way to get a jump start on my junk journaling ephemera - I call it the Strip Collage. It's a long thin collage that is SO easy to make. It's perfect for decorating tags, pockets, belly bands, tuck spots - even whole pages. I've made them in lots of colors and it's so great to grab one when I need a quick element for a page. There's something about the narrow workspace that makes it easy to create something beautiful - even if you are new to collaging. Give it a try! The best...
Using Junk in Your Junk Journal

I've been on a quest to use real junk in my junk journal. There are so many possibilities that I could never cover everything at once, so this will be an ongoing project that I will add to as I have more ideas. Here is my first video on the subject: Using Junk in Your Junk Journal Tissue Box I made this small journal from an empty tissue box. The front, spine and back were all cut from one box and covered with pretty paper. The rather thin cardboard is fine for a journal this small. The "frame" is made from the hole in...